Preface In response to the requests of Jodo enthusiasts, we have decided to publish an introductory book on Jodo, which can be called a popular version of Jodo.
This book focuses on a part of Shinto Muso-ryu Jodo, the 12 forms established by the All Japan Kendo Federation in 1943, and the 12 basic techniques.
In recent years, the development of Jodo has been remarkable, especially since the establishment of the Jodo form, more than ten years have passed, but it is truly honored that it is becoming popular nationwide due to the constant efforts of the people concerned. I know.
Shinto Muso-ryu Jodo has a tradition and history of about 400 years, and it is extremely difficult to explain it with texts, photographs, etc., and there are many points that I cannot do my best, but I aim for Jodo. There are many requests from beginners for a textbook as an "introduction guide", and I believe that it will help spread the word and also serve as a priming for beginners, so I dare to insert a lot of pictures and explain it. I did.
I would like to add that this book is not the whole of Jodo, and I hope that it will be useful to all Jodo enthusiasts.
We would like to express our deepest respect to all of you, including Mr. Kamon Hagiwara and Mr. Kohei Osato, who have devoted their support and efforts to the publication of this book.
昭和56年 99P。 部数は少なそうです。資料用にもいかがでしょうか。
このたび杖道愛好者会員各位の要望にこたえ、杖道の普及版とも いうべき杖道入門書を発行することになりました。
本書は、神道夢想流杖道の一部と全日本剣道連盟が、昭和四十三 年制定した形十二本と、基本技十二本を重点にまとめたものです。
近年、杖道は日進月歩その発展は著しく、特に杖道形制定以来、 ここに十数年を経過しましたが、関係者の絶ゆまざる努力により全 国的に普及されつつあることは誠に同慶に存じます。
神道夢想流杖道は、約四〇〇年の伝統と歴史があり、文章、写真 等によって解説するということは極めて困難であり、意を尽せぬ点 が多いのでありますが、杖道に志ざす初心者から何か「入門手引」 としての教本はないかとの要望が多く、普及のための一助として、 また入門希望者の呼び水にでもなればと信じ、あえて写真を豊富に 挿入し解説してみました。
本書は杖道の全体ではないということを付け加え、杖道愛好者の 皆様方のお役にたてていただければ幸いであります。
尚、本書発刊にあたり終始ご支援ご努力を傾注された萩原嘉門、 大里耕平氏を始め御厚意をお寄せ下さいました各位に深甚なる敬意 を表する次第であります。
神之田 常
Preface In response to the requests of Jodo enthusiasts, we have decided to publish an introductory book on Jodo, which can be called a popular version of Jodo.
This book focuses on a part of Shinto Muso-ryu Jodo, the 12 forms established by the All Japan Kendo Federation in 1943, and the 12 basic techniques.
In recent years, the development of Jodo has been remarkable, especially since the establishment of the Jodo form, more than ten years have passed, but it is truly honored that it is becoming popular nationwide due to the constant efforts of the people concerned. I know.
Shinto Muso-ryu Jodo has a tradition and history of about 400 years, and it is extremely difficult to explain it with texts, photographs, etc., and there are many points that I cannot do my best, but I aim for Jodo. There are many requests from beginners for a textbook as an "introduction guide", and I believe that it will help spread the word and also serve as a priming for beginners, so I dare to insert a lot of pictures and explain it. I did.
I would like to add that this book is not the whole of Jodo, and I hope that it will be useful to all Jodo enthusiasts.
We would like to express our deepest respect to all of you, including Mr. Kamon Hagiwara and Mr. Kohei Osato, who have devoted their support and efforts to the publication of this book.
お探しの方、お好きな 方いかがでしょうか。